1. From this point
on, all ads submitted to this publication must be done on a typewriter, word
processor, or computer. Ads NOT submitted
in this fashion will be returned. No exceptions!
2. Each paid up subscription is entitled to ONE
free ad per issue. The free ad cannot exceed 25 words... not including name,
address and phone number. Words over 25 are .50 cents each.
3. Non-Subscribers ad rates are $1.00 per word including
name, address and phone.
4. You MUST include your expiration
date and zip-code with each ad. Ads submitted without this information will
be returned.
5. ABSOLUTE advertising deadline
is the 5th of the previous month. Postmarks
are not relevant... ad copy must be in hand by the 15th. Example: an
ad received on September 14th will run in the October/November issue, but
an ad received September 16th will be in December/January issue.
6. No multiple month ads will be honored. Fresh ad copy must be submitted
each month.
7. Ads will NOT be accepted by phone.
Faxed ads will be received at (714) 520-4370. FAX ads MUST be typed or done
on a word processor. If you FAX us an ad and funds are due, a copy of the
check must be faxed with the ad and be received in our office within one week
of ad receipt.
8. Please tell us what category the ad is for. Glass working, or glass
related items only.
9. If we can't read it, we won't print it. All ads should be typed, or
done on a word processor, or computer. If it can't be read it will be returned...
if we can figure out where to send it!
10. Ads should be submitted to:
Glass Line 1818 E. Redwood Ave. Anaheim,
CA. 92805